Since I was a young boy, I started drawing that I liked from cartoons, comic books and videogames, but I never tought to work with them.
Afther many years of farming, in the 2012, I decided to change my lifestyle and I moved to Florence for study art.
I attended the entertainment design course at NEMO Academy where I had the pleasure to know a lot of important Artist like Bobby Chiu, Stephen Silver, Marcelo Vignali and many other.

I finished the e-design course in the 2015 and I won 2 scholarship as one of the best student in my course.

I worked two years in the animation industry as concept artist and background artist/supervisor

Curently I’m working full time as senior llustrator for the board game company Red Glove

My main achievment is to be free to express what I want trough my drawings. I want to share with other people how I see the world, how I see certain things and point out those details that others leave out.
I like Animals, trees, walking in the nature, listen to good music, to laugh, movies and videogames.
I dislike big cities, crowded places and scolopenders!

do you need a COMMISSION?

If you are interested in my illustrations, have a project in mind, or just want to say hello, feel free to contact me! You can fill out the form in the contact section or email me directly at info@ferdinandobatistini.it. It will be my pleasure to get back to you as soon as possible!